Phoenix Spell


This is the spell of transformation: so, like the phoenix you will rise from the ashes and metaphorically rebirth yourself. This is particularly useful if you feel there is something in your life that is holding you back somehow. It might be a comment someone cruelly made to you at school; it might be your weight; an addiction; a self-sabotaging belief system…. Whatever it is, I imagine you feel it is stopping you from moving forward fearlessly. Done in two stages, this is a highly in-depth spell which will require soul searching and faith. It contains herbs, two pentacles, a candle and a beautiful chiastolite cross stone which is associated with courage and will help you face your future without fear.

Price includes postage within the UK.
Please get in touch before buying if you wish to purchase outside the UK.

3 in stock

Samantha Giles portrait

As a follower of Wicca, I believe in revering the natural world. Magic is all around us, from the beauty of the setting sun to the new shoots emerging in the spring. The energy of the natural world can harnessed to help focus and manifest your wishes. These spell kits are designed with all the ingredients and instructions to enable YOU to cast the spell yourself, which in turn gives it more power. Magic should only ever be used as a last resort though, and alongside practical measures to change your life. It is very important to make sure that you are only asking for something for the greater good and not allowing greed or envy to be your motivation. Once you have completed the spell ritual it's important to be able to 'let go' of it, as this will help manifest your wishes more quickly.